
The boys are back from National Jamboree and no doubt, they'll all have stories to tell about their Jamboree experiences; experiences that we hope they'll carry with them the rest of their lives and share with others.

And speaking of sharing, if any of you have any photos you'd like to share about your experience, don't hesitate to submit your picture, along with a caption, to the site administrator at beary_white@hotmail.com.

Front Row (L to R):
Todd Westbrook, Richard Welte, Casey Spencer, James Davis, Mike Howard, Cody Spencer, Lee Kortus, Andy Rauchut, Scott Adams
Second Row (L to R):
Jeff Kruse, Chris McDaniel, Paul Goracke, Nick Greiner, Ben Steele, Allen Moore, Greg Armstrong, Matt Cutter, Aaron Rishel, James Goodman, Kris Knudson
Third Row (L to R):
Jeff Elkins, Bryan Kline, Brandon England, Dustin Meyer, Jess Meyer, Josh Walker, Jason Sickels, Nick Viner, Justin Russell, Chad Haffke
Fourth Row (L to R):
Dick Kreager - SM, Bill Steele - 2nd ASM, Aaron Kirkpatrick, Thaddeus Bode, Elliot Smith, Chris Dalton, David Krupp, Doug Adams - 1st ASM, Mark Rodgers - 3rd ASM